Climate and Energy

Displaying 451 - 460 of 801

Tsleil-Waututh to Kinder Morgan: Kwel hoy’, (“we draw the line”)

As anyone who has worked in environmental or social justice knows, sometimes change takes a very, very long time, somewhat like a glacier carving out a valley. Little, incremental changes take place that you don’t notice at the time, but that add up to earth-shattering differences in the long run. Sometimes, though, you can point to milestones, markers in time that help you distinguish when things took a turn.

Trudeau's pipeline approvals fail to recognize the "magnitude" of the climate problem

The thing that frustrated me most when watching the Prime Minister’s press conference earlier this week approving the Kinder Morgan and Line 3 pipelines is that he – or at least his government – knows that these pipelines undermine Canada’s climate goals and move us away from a sustainable future. 

Treaty 8 First Nations appeal to the UN to intervene against proposed Site C Dam

Treaty 8 First Nations have taken their struggle against the proposed Site C Hydroelectric Dam on the Peace River into the international arena by appealing to the United Nations to intervene against the BC government to protect their interests.  The appeal was issued in New York last month at the 10th annual session of the UN Permanent Forum of Indigenous I

Top 5 environmental promises from Premier Christy Clark

Like many,  I did not see Premier Christy Clark’s surprise majority win coming. 

It is no secret that the environmental community, West Coast Environmental Law included, saw some of the other parties as offering stronger environmental platforms.  UBC’s Professor George Hoberg has gone so far as to describe the election results as a “stunning setback for the environmental community.”

Time travel with the National Energy Board – Where 15 months can feel like years

On September 24, 2015 the National Energy Board (NEB) did something remarkable. They stopped time. More precisely, they traveled back in time, to September 18, 2015, stopped time, then traveled back to the future, to January 8, 2016 to start it again. In the words of the Time Lord, Dr. Who, time is indeed “wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff?”