Climate and Energy

Displaying 461 - 470 of 801

Time to sue climate change deniers?

In recent months there has been a sharp drop in public faith in climate science.  The collapse is not, as is sometimes suggested, in the scientific consensus that human-caused climate change is occurring.  As West Coast has previously pointed out, despite embarrassing errors and some arguably unprofessional e-mails, the science itself is as clear now as it has ever been: human caused global warming is occurring.  The damage caused by the e-mails and errors is a sharp decline in the public’s per

This is Canada’s weather on climate change, according to the Parliamentary Budget Officer. Any questions?

It’s amazing how invisible climate change can be – how we feel immune from the consequences of what seems like a vague, global challenge.  We think that climate change only occurs in far off climate-vulnerable nations. Which is why some may be surprised that Canada’s Parliamentary Budget Officer predicts that extreme weather events will cost Canadians $4.92 billion each year between now and 2020, much of that due to climate change.

This Earth Day: Celebrating the campaign to get local government out of the fossil fuel business

This Earth Day we’d like to celebrate the remarkable work of Divest Victoria and their campaign – with help from our Environmental Dispute Resolution Fund (EDRF) – to allow communities across BC to divest from fossil fuels. As a result of their work, this September BC’s local governments will be considering a resolution calling for fossil fuel-free investment options for their own investment portfolios.

The Gathering of Nations in Kitamaat against pipelines and oil tankers

KitamaatNo2Enbr.jpgOn May 29th, 2010 the Haisla and Gitga’at First Nations held the Solidarity of Nations Gathering in Kitamaat Village to reaffirm their opposition of the Coastal First Nations to the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline.  West Coast Environmental Law was formally invited to witness and to participate in the event in recognition of our work to support Coastal First Nations in their efforts to stop oil tankers in their waters.  West