Climate and Energy

Displaying 441 - 450 of 801

West Coast and NWI Launch North Coast Community Dialogue Session Series on LNG and Cumulative Impacts Management

On December 11, West Coast Environmental Law, along with the Northwest Institute for Bioregional Research (NWI), co-hosted the first of a series of community dialogue sessions on LNG and cumulative impacts management.  We held the opening session in Prince Rupert last week and were moved by the depth of knowledge, thoughtfulness and concern that participants brought to the session.  The objective of the event was to bring togeth

Weakening BC’s environmental laws risks eroding social licence for Government’s Cleanest LNG goals

Poll after poll say that British Columbians favour strong environmental laws – laws that don’t trade our environment off against short-term economic gains. As a result, when governments try to weaken environmental laws in the name of growth, it often backfires, with development proposals losing the social licence that they need, and becoming caught up in public controversy.

Wanted: strong provincial action to protect our coast and rivers from tar sands oil

On Earth Day (April 22nd) we joined many other environmental organizations in applauding Adrian Dix and the NDP for standing up for our coast, and expressing opposition to the expansion of the KinderMorgan Pipeline.  We were pleased to see similar language in the NDP’s platform, released shortly therafter:

[I]n regards to the proposed Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion, we do not believe the Port of Vancouver should be converted into a major oil export facility.

Vast majority of countries moving to address climate change – but not Canada

The Canadian government likes to excuse its slow action on climate change by suggesting that Canada needs to wait for other countries to act.  However, when elected representatives from around the world gathered in London last week to discuss how laws can help fight climate change, they emphasized that the vast majority of countries are already taking action on climate change – and singled out Canada as an environmental laggard.