Climate and Energy

Displaying 431 - 440 of 801

What I learned at the Climate Action Network’s Conference

On Tuesday and Wednesday of last week (November 1st and 2nd) I was in Montreal, where I joined with elected officials, civil servants, labour activists, environmentalists, members of faith organizations and others to discuss climate change.  The occasion was the Climate Action Network’s Provincial and Territorial Climate Change Leadership conference

What are the Northern Gateway court challenges about?

In June 2014, the federal Cabinet issued an order approving Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipelines and tankers project. Eight First Nations, four environmental organizations and one labour union have launched legal challenges to the federal government’s approval of the Project. They are: Gitga’at First Nation; Gitxaala Nation; Haida Nation; Haisla Nation; Heiltsuk Nation; Kitasoo Xai’Xais Nation; Nadleh Whut’en; Nak’azdli Whut’en; BC Nature; ForestEthics Advocacy Association; Living Oceans Society; Raincoast Conservation Foundation; and Unifor.

West Coast reacts to mandate letters from Prime Minister to the federal Cabinet Ministers

WCEL welcomes today's public release of mandate letters from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for newly appointed federal Cabinet Ministers.

The release of the letters is a first for the federal government. WCEL pledges to work closely with all newly appointed Ministers to improve protection of Canada's environment.

Here's an excerpt from the letters related to WCEL's priority issues:

West Coast Environmental Law joins citizens delegation at Enbridge’s annual meeting of shareholders

I’m excited to be heading to the Enbridge AGM in Calgary on May 8 on behalf of West Coast.  I’ll be accompanying a  diverse group of concerned community members from the BC North Coast and from Alberta, including commercial fishers, farmers, youth and representatives of the Wet’suwet’en Tsayu (Beaver) and Laksilyu (Small Frog) Clans, as well as members of environmental NGOs and organized labour.

West Coast briefs US energy officials on BC’s renewable energy policies

On October 8th I appeared on a panel in Portland, Oregon to discuss BC's renewable electricity future. The event was hosted by the Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee, an organization of private and public electricity utilities in the U.S. Pacific Northwest states, bringing together officials who wanted to learn about the renewable electricity "scene" in neighbouring BC.

In addition to me, as the only representative of BC’s environmental community, the panel was made up of: