Climate and Energy

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Recreating Canada

This pandemic is a stark reminder of how our economies and societies are interdependent, and how the well-being of humans, other living beings, and ecosystems, are deeply connected. Only a healthy planet can support healthy people. Once this situation passes, humanity will be called to reflect on its relationship with nature and redouble its commitment to safeguarding the natural world and rebuilding a healthy and equitable planet for all.

-Dr. Grethel Aguilar, Acting Director General, International Union for the Conservation of Nature

How our clients are seeking environmental justice

Earth Day is a time for us to reflect on all that our planet has given to us and to celebrate those who have worked tirelessly to strengthen our relationship with the environment. In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, we would like to honour and share with you some of the exciting legal initiatives we are currently supporting through West Coast’s Access to Justice program.

Three recent climate wins through the law

For Earth Week our climate program is celebrating three recent international wins that show what litigation and the law can do to protect our climate. While we’ve yet to see climate litigation and legal strategies of these types succeed in Canada, we believe that it is only a matter of time before courts and tribunals around the world recognize that climate change is having unacceptable impacts on human and other legal rights – impacts that require a legal response.


Timeline: Legal Challenges vs. the TMX Pipeline

Since the Trans Mountain pipeline and tanker expansion project (TMX) was first proposed in 2013, there has been a series of legal challenges over government decisions to approve the project. Cases have been brought by First Nations, local governments and environmental groups, challenging both the federal and BC government approvals. 

This infographic briefly describes some of the key legal challenges to the TMX pipeline's approvals in provincial and federal courts.