Climate and Energy

Displaying 391 - 400 of 801

West Coast Environmental Law submission to Expert Panel on NEB Modernization

In 2016, the federal government launched a public review to modernize the National Energy Board (NEB), providing an important opportunity to strengthen the regulatory process and ensure that Canada continues to have a modern, efficient and effective regulator. The NEB Modernization process – conducted alongside reviews of the Fisheries Act, Navigation Protection Act and environmental assessment processes – gathered information and perspectives from environmental experts, lawyers, industry, Indigenous peoples and the public.

Federal Climate Policy

The current federal government has pledged that Canada will “do its part” to fight climate change. We work to hold the government to that promise.

Canada’s track record in fighting climate change is not good. From being the only country to withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol to making weak international commitments to reduce greenhouse gas pollution, Canada needs to do more – and better – in the fight against climate change. 

BC Climate Policy

BC had the first economy-wide carbon tax in North America, but its greenhouse gas pollution is rising. Talk about failing to live up to your potential.

West Coast Environmental Law has been on the forefront of demanding a real climate leadership plan from British Columbia – one that will enable the province to achieve the greenhouse gas reduction targets that the Legislature has enshrined in law. 

Gavin Smith

Gavin (he/him/his) believes in the power of the land to transform and sustain us, and he believes in the integral role of Indigenous laws and governance in that process.

Gavin joined West Coast Environmental Law in 2013 to lead the organization’s efforts to stop the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipelines and tankers proposal. His work focused on supporting Indigenous Nations that had applied their own laws to prohibit the project in their territories, and included acting as counsel in a successful legal challenge to the federal government’s approval of Northern Gateway.

Eugene Kung

Eugene Kung (he/him/his) is a staff lawyer with West Coast, working on Tar Sands, Pipelines and Tankers, as well as with RELAW. He is committed to human rights, social justice and environmental justice and has been working to stop the Kinder Morgan TransMountain expansion project.

Eugene was born and raised in Burnaby BC, holds a BA from UBC (2001) and JD from Dalhousie (2006) and was called to the BC Bar in 2008.

Deborah Carlson

Deborah joined West Coast in 2010 as Staff Counsel for the Green Communities Program. She works with communities in BC to develop legal frameworks that support healthy, low-impact urban areas, and community-based planning processes that start from our connection to the natural environment.