Climate and Energy

Displaying 401 - 410 of 801

Andrew Gage

Andrew (he/him/his) was an environmental activist before he was an environmental lawyer: he was accepted into law school shortly after being arrested for protesting logging in Clayoquot Sound, on Vancouver Island’s West Coast. During law school Andrew helped found the University of Victoria’s Environmental Law Centre and volunteered with the noted Indian environmental lawyer, M.C. Mehta. These experiences changed his understanding of what is possible through law.

Sue Big Oil

Top photo: Mick Tursky

Professionals and Climate Change

There’s a lot of talk about climate leadership from government, and some about corporate climate leadership. But both government and industry receive their advice from engineers, biologists, foresters, lawyers and other professionals.

What is the role of the professional in helping us fight climate change and prepare for climate change?

Professionals owe a duty to the public, as well as to their employers. They are obliged to use the best available climate science.

BC Class Action

We can demand accountability from the fossil fuel industry in a variety of ways. If necessary, BC communities can demand accountability through the courts.

Fossil fuel companies have long managed to avoid a conversation about their role in causing climate change. If BC communities file a class action lawsuit, we will force an important public conversation – and ask the courts to ensure that the world’s largest climate polluters can no longer profit from activities that cause so much harm.

Demand Accountability

Whether we know it or not, our communities are facing a rising tide of climate costs – preparing for and dealing with rising sea levels, flooding, wildfires and more. Unless we ask hard questions about who should pay, taxpayers are going to need to pick up the tab.

Tar Sands, Pipelines & Tankers

Top photo: Eugene Kung

Community Climate Adaptation

Top photo: Province of BC