Climate and Energy

Displaying 541 - 550 of 801

Is our atmosphere critical infrastructure? The Canadian government responds

Last March I penned an open letter to Prime Minister Harper asking him to recognize that the global atmosphere was at least as essential to our national security as pipelines and highways.  We didn’t receive any response from the Prime Minister’s office, so in July, Ashley Thomas (one of our great summer students) and I filed an environmen

How not dealing with climate change is killing our economy

The costs of climate change are being hotly debated. Sometimes it seems that the two sides of the argument aren’t even hearing one another. But a series of reports this month make it clearer than ever that inaction on climate change is already damaging our economy and a continued failure to take immediate and dramatic action amounts to economic negligence.

The head-in-the-sands approach

Help for local governments on the frontlines of a changing climate

A new resource from West Coast Environmental Law

Because most of us live in the built environment of cities, we sometimes forget that we are connected to ecosystems, and affected by changes in the natural environment. Seeing news coverage of the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy to New York City and other communities in its path is a sobering reminder of our vulnerability.