Climate and Energy

Displaying 721 - 730 of 801

Energy Forum Climate Leadership Consultation Submission - August 20, 2015

British Columbia has demonstrated to the world that it is possible to drive down carbon pollution while growing the economy. Policies like the carbon tax, clean electricity standard and renewable and low-carbon fuel requirements regulation have helped to drive this change. Unfortunately, British Columbia’s carbon pollution is starting to increase in nearly every sector and is projected to continue increasing without new climate policy, signalling that it’s time to reinvigorate the climate action plan.

Andrew Thompson Award 2014 Brochure

The Andrew Thompson award was established in 2002 by West Coast Environmental Law and the Thompson family as a legacy to Dr. Andrew Thompson, and was made possible through the generosity of the Thompson family. The award is given to an individual who has demonstrated a significant lifetime contribution to environmental protection and sustainability in British Columbia through the law.

Legal Backgrounder: First Nations Legal Challenges to Enbridge Pipelines and Tankers Project

In a wave of legal filings between July 11 and July 14, 2014 eight First Nations from Haida Gwaii to Yinka Dene territory west of Prince George have set in motion legal proceedings that, combined with 9 court cases filed earlier this year, have the potential to stop or significantly delay the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipelines and tankers project (the “Enbridge Project”). This publication provides details on the legal cases, and several events leading up to the legal cases.


ENGO and WCEL Submissions to BC Carbon Tax Review

This publication is comprised of two separate documents relating to the 2012 BC Carbon Tax review.

The first document is the Joint Submission to the B.C. Ministry of Finance's Carbon Tax Review, submitted on behalf of 11 environmental and labour organizations in British Columbia.  West Coast Environmental Law signed on to, but did not draft, this document. 

West Coast Environmental Law also provided additional submission, expanding upon the Joint Submission, written by Andrew Gage.

Legal Backgrounder Coastal First Nations Declaration and Save the Fraser Declaration

In 2010, two unequivocal Indigenous-law based declarations were signed by First Nations, definitively banning tar sands crude oil tankers, pipelines and infrastructure from their territories. Nine First Nations peoples of the Central and North Pacific Coast and Haida Gwaii (the “Coastal First Nations”) signed the Coastal First Nations Declaration (March 2010), and sixty-one First Nations centred in the Fraser Watershed signed the Save the Fraser Declaration (December 2010). Signatories of the Save the Fraser Declaration have since grown to over 100.