Climate and Energy

Displaying 711 - 720 of 801

Green Waterfront Design Charrette Report

The Green Waterfront Design Charrette brought together design experts and staff from five British Columbia municipalities, including planners, engineers, sustainability specialists, emergency managers and biologists. Working collaboratively, they explored how shifts in land use and building design could support community resilience to sea level rise, focusing on responses that developed green infrastructure and provided opportunities to protect and restore coastal ecosystems, and maintain valuable natural shoreline amenities.

Taking Climate Justice Into Our Own Hands

This report, co-released by West Coast Environmental Law and the Vanuatu Environmental Law Association, explains how well-established principles of private international law allows the courts and governments of individual countries to take action against fossil fuel polluters. The report also includes the first public proposal for the text of a Climate Compensation Act that clarifies the principles of liability for large-scale greenhouse gas emitters, and which could be enacted by countries around the world.

Open letter to federal cabinet on recent push to support tar sands pipelines

This open letter, endorsed by over 40 Canadian organizations representing hundreds of thousands of people, calls on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Cabinet Ministers to reject the pressure to champion tar sands pipelines.

The open letter challenges key myths being used to support the false argument that more pipelines will fix Alberta's economic woes, and emphasizes the very serious risks presented by the projects and the viable alternatives we have.

A Carbon Budget for Canada: A collaborative framework for federal and provincial climate leadership

A new report – A Carbon Budget for Canada: A collaborative framework for federal and provincial climate leadership – explains how budgets and other best financial management practices provide a model for national leadership on climate change. The report also calls for a national scientific committee to advise both levels of government on what needs to be done to fight climate change in Canada.