Climate and Energy

Displaying 631 - 640 of 801

Adding to the pile: Another legal challenge regarding Enbridge’s Northern Gateway proposal argues BC is required to make its own decision


The pile of lawsuits sitting on top of the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines and Tankers Project keeps getting bigger, and this time the Province of British Columbia has been dragged into the mix.

A Green Budget for a Prosperous Canada

Were you excited to read our take on the supposed visionary green budget proposed by the federal government earlier today?

Or did you catch on right away that anything received on April 1st should likely be taken with a grain of salt? We hope you’re not offended by our little prank! We aimed to make an important point about the federal government’s dismantling of our environmental safety net over the last few years.

2017: A Look Ahead to Protect Nature, Climate and Communities

From providing legal aid for communities to defend their environment, to revitalizing Indigenous laws, and holding fossil fuel companies accountable for their role in climate change – this year the West Coast team will continue working toward a better future for people and the environment in Canada.

Check out our short video to meet some of our talented lawyers and program staff, and see what we're most excited about in our work for 2017.