Climate and Energy

Displaying 611 - 620 of 801

Canada v. Australia on Climate Science

This week is a good time to think about climate science, and especially how governments listen to, and act on, the recommendations of climate experts.  It’s a good time to think about climate experts here in Canada, because one year ago the Canadian government got rid of the main expert agency responsible for advising it on environmental issues, including climate change.  And in Australia the Climate Change Commission, a similar expert government advisory body, issued a major report that highlights that tackling climate change means leaving 80% of fossil fuel reserves in the ground.  Two di

Campaigns against tar sands don’t make Northern Gateway viable

According to Barbara Yaffe’s most recent column in the Vancouver Sun, “Knocking oilsands bolsters Northern Gateway”, the actions of environmental groups, in exposing the environmental impacts of the Alberta tar sands, are making it more ‘imperative’ that Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Project proceed as the U.S. becomes increasingly unwilling to buy tar sands oil.

Campaigners to stop Enbridge and super tankers make a pilgrimage to northern coastal ecosystems and communities being put at risk

At the end of the summer, West Coast and our allies in the campaign to achieve a legislative tanker ban on BC’s North Coast decided that it would be a great idea to meet to discuss strategy and next steps on the coastal waters of the Great Bear Rainforest.  In this way we could travel the proposed tanker route and see first-hand (some of us for the first time) the communities, coastline and culture that the proposed Enbridge project, and the resulting oil tanker traffic, would put at risk of disaster, and meet people whose livel

Campaign for legislated tanker ban gathers steam in Ottawa

Over the past few weeks, the campaign for a legislated tanker ban seems to have taken on a life of its own. Today (December 14, 2010), Vancouver Quadra MP Joyce Murray (Liberal) introduced legislation that, if passed, would ban crude oil tankers from the waters of Hecate Strait, Dixon Entrance, and Queen Charlotte Sound. These are the dangerous and sensitive waters between Haida Gwaii and the mainland, and between the northern tip of Vancouver Island and the marine border with Alaska.

BC’s Climate Plan shows why real leadership requires accountability

[Update: 7 October 2016 - We received a response from Canadian Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna, today acknowledging our open letter and confirming that "Ensuring transparency and accountability for planning and implementing climate actions is a priority for the Government of Canada." We appreciate Minister McKenna's response.