Climate and Energy

Displaying 501 - 510 of 801

Rising to the challenge and protecting our communities and our coastlines

We’ve all seen some of the graphic images of flooding along the East Coast of the United States in recent years: neighbourhoods where streets have become canals, an oddly picturesque parking lot full of yellow taxis floating in blue water up to their windshields, and not-so-picturesque images of people assessing the wreckage of their homes and belongings.

Responsible fiscal leaders agree: we need a price on carbon

If you’ve been watching Parliament in the past week or two you may have just heard mention of the phrase “carbon tax.”  We’d be delighted if this meant that there was an intelligent debate going on in Parliament about how to address climate change, but unfortunately it’s only a baseless attempt by the ruling Conservative party to associate the opposition New Democrats with a policy that the NDP has (unfortunately) never supported. 

Report from an All Clans Gathering: Why ignoring Indigenous laws on the Enbridge Pipeline is risky business

On April 11, 2014, the Yinka Dene Alliance (“YDA”) held an All Clans Gathering in Nak’azdli (adjacent to Fort St. James) in order for their leaders and elders to issue reasons for the rejection of the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline in a gathering according to their laws. I was grateful to be invited as a witness at the gathering along with West Coast’s executive director and senior counsel Jessica Clogg.

Reflections on the Enbridge Northern Gateway court hearings

Last week, at the close of the hearings for the legal challenges to the federal government’s Enbridge Northern Gateway approval, Justice Dawson thanked legal counsel for their submissions and added that she could recall, from her days as a lawyer, the feeling at the end of a case when the responsibility shifts from the lawyers who have made the arguments to the judges who must now decide the issues.

Reflections from the Summer Law Student Volunteers

The summer is quickly coming to a close, and the West Coast Environmental Law (WCEL) summer law student volunteers want to take this opportunity to thank our friends and mentors at WCEL for their support and guidance during the course of this amazing experience. As we say our final farewell, we would like to share the highlights of our summer at West Coast.

From left to right: Adam, Zach, Lucy, Justine, Ashley, Rachel