Climate and Energy

Displaying 291 - 300 of 801

Ontario NDP climate liability bill is a model for BC, the world

VANCOUVER, BC, Coast Salish Territories - Lawyers from the West Coast Environmental Law Association applaud the Liability for Climate Harm Act, 2018, introduced today in the Ontario Legislature today by Peter Tabuns, MPP, the Environment and Climate Change Critic for the Ontario NDP. West Coast Environmental Law invited BC’s governing NDP Government, and other BC parties, to consider introducing similar legislation in the province.

Sweeping new federal environmental law bill contains promising changes, say environmental lawyers

Amendments needed to fulfill government’s promise to restore public trust in environmental decisions

VANCOUVER, BC, Coast Salish Territories – Lawyers with West Coast Environmental Law Association say new federal legislation tabled today could put Canada back on the right course towards restoring public trust in environmental decision-making, if amendments are made to address key concerns.

Why it's time to reform Environmental Assessment in British Columbia

In the summer of 2017, BC’s new provincial government promised to reform environmental assessment and planning in British Columbia. This commitment puts BC at the doorstep of a major opportunity to transform the way we assess and plan for development activities in the province, in order to better align provincial decisions with the needs of ecosystems, the vision of BC communities, and the exercise of jurisdiction by Indigenous nations.

Proposed BC oil transport regulations a wake-up call for Kinder Morgan

VANCOUVER, BC, Coast Salish Territories – West Coast Environmental Law applauds a new provincial plan announced today to restrict the transportation of diluted bitumen in BC unless the science shows that spills can safely be cleaned up. A proposed regulation limiting increased bitumen shipments by pipeline or rail is a welcome safety measure for the environment and public health, say the environmental lawyers, and an important warning for Kinder Morgan if it continues to pursue its Trans Mountain pipeline and tankers project.