Media Releases

Canada has some of the weakest protections against cruise ship pollution along North American West Coast, says new report 

Topics: Marine Protection, Great Bear Sea, Protected Areas, Fish & Wildlife


Topics: Strong Environmental Laws, Climate and Energy

Horgan government pushes back climate plan by a year

Topics: Climate and Energy, Climate Solutions

VANCOUVER, BC, Musqueam, Squamish & Tsleil-Waututh Territories - Lawyers at West Coast Environmental Law made the following statements in response to the federal government’s newly-released

Topics: Climate and Energy, Climate Solutions

VANCOUVER, Musqueam, Squamish & Tsleil-Waututh Territories – The Province of British Columbia has missed its own deadline to complete the CleanBC plan, another in a long string of broken promises on climate action.

Topics: Climate and Energy, Climate Solutions

VANCOUVER, Musqueam, Squamish & Tsleil-Waututh Territories — A new report by the Canadian Energy Regulator (CER) shows the Trans Mountain and Keystone pipelines are not needed even if only minimum climate action is taken.

Topics: Climate and Energy, Tar Sands, Pipelines & Tankers

Lawyers say changes are needed for the law to show true climate leadership

Topics: Strong Environmental Laws, Climate and Energy, Climate Solutions

VANCOUVER, Musqueam, Squamish & Tsleil-Waututh Territories – Dr.

Topics: Climate and Energy, Sue Big Oil, Community Climate Adaptation, Climate Solutions

Environmental lawyers look for government to deliver on commitments to aggressive climate vision and plan

Topics: Strong Environmental Laws, Climate and Energy, Indigenous Law, Marine Protection, Green Communities

VANCOUVER, BC, Musqueam, Squamish & Tsleil-Waututh Territories – Jessica Clogg, West Coast Environmental Law’s Executive Director and Senior Counsel, made the following statement in response to Premier John Horgan’s announcement of an October 24th election:

Topics: Strong Environmental Laws, Climate and Energy, Green Communities

VANCOUVER, BC, Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Territories – West Coast Environmental Law Association applauds the environment-related commitments made today by the BC government on COVID-19 recovery funding.

Topics: Strong Environmental Laws, Climate and Energy, Green Communities

VANCOUVER, BC, Musqueam, Squamish & Tsleil-Waututh Territories – Reacting to the ground-breaking lawsuit filed today by the State of Delaware against 31 fossil fuel companies, West Coast Environmental Law is calling on the government of British Columbia to follow suit to hold global fossil fu

Topics: Climate and Energy, Sue Big Oil

Please be advised that effective 1 August 2020, West Coast Environmental Law's office address will be changed. 

Telephone and fax numbers remain the same.

Topics: Strong Environmental Laws, Climate and Energy, Indigenous Law, Marine Protection, Green Communities, Environmental Legal Aid, Legal Advice

OTTAWA, ON, Algonquin Anishnaabeg Territory – Environmental lawyers are welcoming improvements to the federal government’s Strategic Assessment of Climate Change (SACC), released today, but are also expressing frustration at its failure to establish an adequate “climate test” for assessing how in

Topics: Strong Environmental Laws, Canada's Environmental Reviews, Environmental Assessment, Climate and Energy

Environmental lawyers vow to fight on as Court denies leave for Indigenous legal challenges

Topics: Strong Environmental Laws, Climate and Energy, Tar Sands, Pipelines & Tankers

“The federal government investigating itself is clearly not an option,” said Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, UBCIC

Topics: Climate and Energy, Tar Sands, Pipelines & Tankers, Indigenous Law

How we’re responding to global efforts to #FlattenTheCurve

These are exceptional times. There is a lot going on in the world and it seems like the news is changing almost by the minute.

Topics: Environmental Legal Aid, EDRF Legal Aid Fund, Legal Advice

VANCOUVER, BC, Musqueam, Squamish & Tsleil-Waututh Territories – Lawyers at West Coast Environmental Law are calling on the BC Liberal Caucus to correct misinformation aimed at undermining environmental organizations and lawful resistance to the Coastal GasLink pipeline in Wet’suwet’en territ

Topics: Strong Environmental Laws, Marine Protection, Environmental Legal Aid, EDRF Legal Aid Fund

Support crumbles when costs exceed $12 billion, new poll finds

Topics: Climate and Energy, Tar Sands, Pipelines & Tankers

Estimated cost jumps from $7.4B to $12.6B, prompting calls for government to abandon the project

Topics: Climate and Energy, Tar Sands, Pipelines & Tankers

Narrow Federal Court of Appeal decision is a blow for reconciliation and sustainability, lawyers say  

Topics: Climate and Energy, Tar Sands, Pipelines & Tankers, Indigenous Law, Indigenous Law

VANCOUVER, BC, Coast Salish Territories – BC is not doing enough to investigate, prepare for, and protect taxpayers from the looming costs of climate change, say 25 BC-based organizations and 4 leading academics.

Topics: Climate and Energy, Sue Big Oil, Community Climate Adaptation, Climate Solutions

Groups launch petition demanding full disclosure by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Topics: Strong Environmental Laws, Climate and Energy, Tar Sands, Pipelines & Tankers

Amending legislation passed in Bill C-69 or C-48 would diminish public trust, say enviro lawyers

Topics: Strong Environmental Laws, Canada's Environmental Reviews, Environmental Assessment, Climate and Energy, Tar Sands, Pipelines & Tankers

West Coast Environmental Law event marks 30 years of environmental legal aid in BC

Topics: Environmental Legal Aid, EDRF Legal Aid Fund