Climate and Energy

Displaying 781 - 790 of 801

Dialogues for Legal Innovation - Emerging Solutions for Clean Green Power

West Coast Environmental Law is pleased to present the first in a series of dialogues for legal innovation designed to engage thought-leaders and decision-makers in achieving law reform that protects the environment. West Coast’s Dialogues for Legal Innovation Series will bring together diverse perspectives to help shape solutions to complex legal and policy issues that affect the well being of British Columbians and our communities.

Recommendations For Responsible Clean Electricity Development In BC

Many British Columbians — including those deeply concerned about climate change — harbour concerns about how renewable electricity is currently planned, promoted and developed in BC. They want to see renewable electricity projects, but they want to be confident that those projects are planned and developed in a way that limits impacts and maximizes benefits for British Columbians.

RFI to assist the Pacific Carbon Trust (PCT) in the development of forest GHG offset procurement

While direct reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions remain the top priority in meeting the provincial government’s commitment to a carbon neutral public sector and meeting provincial GHG targets, some emissions will remain to be offset. In this context, we support the Pacific Carbon Trust’s mandate to provide quality BC-based offsets that are of high environmental integrity. High quality forest-based offsets would provide both real GHG reduction benefits and biodiversity co-benefits.

Comments on MoFR Report - Preparing for Climate Change

The overwhelming scientific consensus is that the global warming we are presently experiencing is due to human-factors. In turn, climate change presents significant risks to the forest ecosystems of BC. West Coast Environmental Law welcomes the MoFR’s recognition of these two key realities.

However; this submission highlights three key concerns with the May 18th, 2006 Preparing for Climate Change report:

Comments Of West Coast Environmental Law on the B.C. Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Vehicle Emissions Standards) Act Policy Intentions Paper

The BC government is proposing to implement vehicle greenhouse gas emissions reduction standards in BC, once they are also implemented in California. The government released an Intentions Paper for comments, that set out its current thinking and questions as it starts to prepare the regulation. While West Coast congratulates the BC government for its initiative in taking action to regulate vehicle GHG emissions like this, there a number of areas which need to be strengthened to make the Act truly effective, including public accessibility. 

Comments on Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act Policy Intentions Paper

The BC government is proposing to implement a mandatory greenhouse gas emissions reporting regulation in BC under the “cap and trade” legislation . The government released an Intentions Paper for comments, that set out its current thinking and questions as it starts to prepare the regulation. West Coast, along with the Pembina Institute, the David Suzuki Foundation and the BC Sustainable Association filed a joint submission on the proposed regulation.

Legal backgrounder- The Crown’s approach to First Nations consultation on the Enbridge Gateway Pipeline

The proposed 1,170 kilometre-long Enbridge Gateway Pipeline project would stretch from the Alberta tar sands to a marine terminal at Kitimat and would result in an estimated 225 crude oil and condensate tankers a year travelling through the territories of coastal First Nations. The project proposal engages the jurisdiction and lawful authority of dozens of First Nations, from the Dene and Cree peoples of the Athabasca River basin in the east to the Haida in the west, as well as the nations who rely on the health of the Fraser, Skeena, and Mackenzie Rivers and their tributaries.