Climate and Energy

Displaying 351 - 360 of 801

Highlands District asks fossil fuel companies to pay fair share of climate costs

VICTORIA, BC – The West Coast Environmental Law Association applauds the District of Highlands, a Southern Vancouver Island municipality, for sending a “Climate Accountability Letter” to 20 of the world’s largest fossil fuel companies. The letter, sent today, demands that these companies pay a fair share of the climate costs suffered by the District, such as costs to prepare for wildfires, drought and other climate change impacts.

The letter explains to the fossil fuel industry:

Canada says it wants single body to assess major energy projects

Author(s): David Ljunggren

Media Outlet: Reuters

Canada wants a single federal authority to assess the potential impact of oil pipelines and mines, officials said on Thursday, a move that could help quell protests that have blocked a series of projects.

Responsibility for examining the environmental impact of projects on federally-regulated land is shared between three separate entities, a system the Liberal government says the public does not trust.

Ottawa proposes new rules for resource companies

Author(s): Shawn McCarthy

Media Outlet: The Globe & Mail 

The Liberal government is proposing new rules that would require resource companies to consult with Ottawa and Indigenous communities on major projects well before the firms finalize their plans and apply for regulatory approval.

The companies would also be expected to provide greater opportunities for partnership with Indigenous peoples, and seek their consent for developments that impact their traditional territory, although they would not have a veto.

Biggest Banks Fueling Climate Disaster With Billions Poured Into 'Extreme Fossil Fuels'

Author(s): Andrea Germanos, staff writer

Media Outlet: Common Dreams 

Threatening a climate-stable planet, the world's biggest banks are continuing business-as-usual by continuing to provide funding for "extreme fossil fuels."

So finds the latest Fossil Fuel Finance Report Card—produced by Rainforest Action Network, BankTrack, Sierra Club, and Oil Change International—which defines the "extreme" sources as tar sands, Arctic oil, ultra-deepwater oil, coal mining, coal power, and liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports.

Could governments and oil companies get sued for inaction on climate change?

Author(s): Alex Ballingall

Media Outlet: The Toronto Star 

OTTAWA—Eight hundred million dollars: that’s the potential price tag of the rising ocean in Vancouver. The city needs a new storm surge barrier to stop flooding if, according to municipal planners, sea levels climb by one metre this century due to climate change.

Here’s what we’re expecting from an NDP-Green BC government

In 2013, after Christy Clark’s unexpected election win, we wrote a post about what environmental wins we might expect from her new government. So now, in 2017, after another surprising election result culminating in the announcement that the BC NDP and BC Greens will cooperate to bring down her government, it makes sense to look forward to what we might expect on the environmental law front from a BC NDP government (supported by the Greens). 

Some things are obvious