Climate and Energy

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Climate Law in Our Hands - Campaigner Brief

Climate Law in Our Hands is a community-driven conversation about the responsiblity of the fossil fuel industry in our warming world. 

This campaigner toolkit provides background information about the Climate Law in Our Hands campaign, as well as legal and campaigning tools to successfully hold the industry accountable in your community. We include tips for political messaging, plenty of facts and figures, and contextual information about communities all over the world holding industry accountable in the courts and on the streets. 

Is BC’s flooding an unnatural (climate) disaster? And if so, can we talk about it?

On a long weekend trip, my family drove through Merritt, one of the communities hit by recent flooding in BC. The worst of the flooding was over, but I was still dismayed to see flooded houses with pumps running non-stop to get the water back behind a sandbag barrier, to see pavement crumbling where floodwaters had washed away the underlying soil.

West Coast reacts: Ottawa’s Trans Mountain deal places unacceptable risk on Canadians

VANCOUVER, BC, Coast Salish Territories — West Coast Environmental Law Association is astounded at the Canadian government’s decision to nationalize the Trans Mountain pipeline and tanker project – despite substantial financial risk, strong community opposition and ongoing court challenges that could overturn the project’s approval.

CEOs of Canada’s 12 largest environmental groups grade the federal government on progress toward environmental commitments

OTTAWA – A report released today by the leaders of Canada’s top environmental organizations reviews the progress of the federal government in meeting its platform and mandate commitments on environmental issues across the country.

The report, The Clock is Ticking, assesses on-the-ground accomplishments against commitments on seven key issue areas, including climate change, biodiversity and habitat conservation, environmental assessments, water, Canadian Environmental Protect Act (CEPA) reform, charitable regulatory frameworks, and participation by civil society in public policy.