Climate and Energy

Displaying 251 - 260 of 801

Déjà vu all over again: The NEB’s Taxpayer Mountain Pipeline redo

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and expecting different results…"

Tell me if you’ve heard this one before: the National Energy Board (NEB) is rushing through a pipeline review with a compressed timeline and narrow scope, where it sides with the proponent more often than not (despite tremendous opposition by intervenors), and excludes the public from “public” hearings. Huge volumes of evidence are filed by the proponent in what appears to be an attempt to overwhelm and paralyze participation in the already limited timeline.

A Climate Accountability Framework for BC

Together with Ecojustice, Pembina, Georgia Strait Alliance and Organizing for Change, West Coast Environmental Law Association has been insisting that BC’s climate action needs to be transparent, accountable and ambitious.

Our joint submissions outline how BC could enact laws to ensure that future governments are accountable for achieving our greenhouse gas reduction targets in a transparent way, through a permanent climate change committee, carbon budgeting and clear legal requirements to prepare and implement climate plans.

WCEL Submission on the Consideration of Climate Change in BC Budget 2019

As BC prepares its Budget 2019, West Coast Environmental Law is challenging it to begin tracking the costs that climate change is increasingly imposing on the province. The government’s budget consultation recognizes that the government “will need to plan to address financial pressures from wildfires [and] climate change,” and West Coast’s submissions points out that doing so requires an understanding of what those financial pressures are and how they are changing over time.


Climate accountability strikes a chord at the Union of BC Municipalities

We narrowly lost the vote, but I felt surprisingly good about it.

47.9% of local elected officials at the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) voted for the organization, which represents all of BC’s local governments, to send a Climate Accountability Letter to 20 of the world’s largest fossil fuel companies – just short of the majority we needed.

Environmental lawyers challenge BC municipal candidates to protect taxpayers, hold fossil fuel industry accountable for climate costs

VANCOUVER, BC, Coast Salish Territories – Today, lawyers at the West Coast Environmental Law Research Foundation released two resources aimed at promoting discussion in BC’s local government elections about the climate costs – wildfires, flooding, drought – being experienced by BC communities, and the need for local governments to hold the fossil fuel industry responsible for its share of those costs.