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Author: West Coast Environmental Law
Publication Date: May 2007
Pages: 60
Topics: Pesticides; Pesticide Law; British Columbia, BC
Author: Rutherford, Susan
Publication Date: April 2007
Pages: 88
Topics: Land; Urban Land;
Author: West Coast Environmental Law
Publication Date: January 2007
Pages: 60
Author: Gage, Andrew
Publication Date: January 2007
Pages: 16
Author: Rutherford, Susan
Publication Date: October 2006
Pages: 6
Author: Rutherford, Susan
Publication Date: October 2006
Pages: 68
Topics: Environmental Law; British Columbia; Local Government; Sustainability
Author: Clogg, Jessica
Publication Date: August 2006
Pages: 9
Topics: Forests; climate change; global warming; forest certification; FSC; biodiversity; law reform
Author: Clogg, Jessica
Publication Date: July 2006
Pages: 2
Topics: Forests, climate change, global warming
Author: Campbell, Karen; Rutherford, Susan
Publication Date: May 2006
Pages: 40
Topics: Oil & Gas; Coalbed Methane; British Columbia; BC, Local Government
Author: Gage, Andrew
Publication Date: April 2006
Pages: 26
Topics: Public Rights; Statutory Interpretation;