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Author: Andrew Gage
Publication Date: July 2018
Pages: 4
Topics: Climate Change Litigation
Author: West Coast Environmental Law Association
Publication Date: July 2018
Pages: 26
Topics: Marine protected areas (MPAs), marine protection standards
Author: Linda Nowlan, Maryann Watson, Stephanie Hewson
Publication Date: July 2018
Pages: 1
Author: Gavin Smith, Staff Lawyer
Publication Date: June 2018
Pages: 16
Topics: Environmental Assessment, BC Environmental Assessment
Author: Dean Billy, Lindsay Borrows, Jessica Clogg, Helen Copeland
Publication Date: June 2018
Pages: 203
Topics: Indigenous law, water, environmental governance
Author: Dean Billy, Lindsay Borrows, Jessica Clogg, Helen Copeland
Publication Date: June 2018
Pages: 44
Author: Dean Billy, Lindsay Borrows, Jessica Clogg, Helen Copeland
Publication Date: June 2018
Pages: 10
Author: Multiple Authors
Publication Date: June 2018
Pages: 4
Topics: Plastic waste, marine plastic
Author: Multiple Authors
Publication Date: June 2018
Pages: 7
Author: Anna Johnston
Publication Date: June 2018
Pages: 11
Topics: Environmental assessment, Impact Assessment Act, Bill C-69