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Author: Multiple authors
Publication Date: June 2020
Pages: 44
Topics: Climate accountability, climate change, Canadian climate accountability
Author: West Coast Environmental Law
Publication Date: April 2020
Pages: 1
Topics: Trans Mountain pipeline, TMX legal challenges
Author: Multiple authors
Publication Date: January 2020
Pages: 5
Topics: Emergency management, climate change, Climate Compensation Act
Author: Georgia Lloyd-Smith, Deborah Carlson, Michael Bissonnette
Publication Date: January 2020
Pages: 8
Topics: Coastal strategy, coastal protection, BC coast
Author: Andrew Gage, Deborah Carlson
Publication Date: January 2020
Pages: 6
Topics: Climate Adaptation
Author: Coastal First Nations, West Coast Environmental Law
Publication Date: November 2019
Pages: 92
Topics: Marine protection, co-governance, MPAs
Author: Linda Nowlan, Stephanie Hewson
Publication Date: November 2019
Pages: 4
Topics: Coastal and marine jurisdiction in BC
Author: West Coast Environmental Law
Publication Date: November 2019
Pages: 15
Topics: Legal aid, Environmental Dispute Resolution Fund
Author: Gavin Smith, Staff Lawyer
Publication Date: September 2019
Pages: 24
Topics: Provincial Environmental Assessment
Author: Stephanie Hewson, Staff Lawyer
Publication Date: August 2019
Pages: 16
Topics: Marine Law