Beyond the Guidebook 2010: Implementing a New Culture for Urban Watershed Protection and Restoration In British Columbia

Green Communities, Green Infrastructure Partnership, Urban Watershed Protection
BCWWA Water Sustainability Committee, Inter-Governmental Partnership, Convening for Action on Vancouver Island, Water Bucket Website Partnership, Vancouver Island Coordinating Team, and Green Infrastructure Partnership with West Coast Environmental Law

Living Water Smart and Green Communities together establish an over-arching provincial policy framework. There is now clear guidance for aligning local actions with provincial and regional goals to ‘design with nature’ so that we create greener communities, live water smart and prepare for climate change.

Action Plan logo.JPGA decade ago, the Green Infrastructure Partnership (GIP) made a conscious decision to follow an educational rather than prescriptive path in BC. The GIP realized that changing the way we develop land depends on establishing higher expectations and challenging practitioners to embrace shared responsibility.

This was branded as The New Business As Usual. The GIP knew it would take time to change the culture. We now have the tools and the case study experience to ‘design with nature’.

BC is now at a tipping point. Implementation of a new culture for urban watershed protection and restoration is within our grasp. Beyond the Guidebook 2010 sets the
stage for development that is in balance with ecology.

To visit the Green Infrastructure Partnership website, please click here.

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Green Infrastructure Partnership
Publication City
Vancouver, BC
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