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Author: West Coast Environmental Law
Publication Date: June 2012
Pages: 3
Topics: Bill C-38, Kinder Morgan, Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline, Pipeline, Tankers
Author: Black Out Speak Out Coalition
Publication Date: June 2012
Pages: 1
Topics: Black Out Speak Out
Author: West Coast Environmental Law Association (R. Forbes & J. Clogg)
Publication Date: June 2012
Pages: 7
Topics: Environmental Assessment, Budget Bill C-38, Strong Federal Environmental Laws
Author: Forbes, Rachel
Publication Date: June 2012
Pages: 11
Topics: Bill C-38, Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources
Author: West Coast Environmental Law
Publication Date: May 2012
Pages: 1
Topics: Black Out Speak Out
Author: Gage, Andrew
Publication Date: May 2012
Pages: 2
Topics: Animal Health Act, minister Don McRae, Fish Farms, Disease, Bill 37,
Author: Forbes, Rachel
Publication Date: May 2012
Pages: 11
Topics: House of Commons Finance Subcommittee, Bill C-38
Author: Ecojustice, West Coast Environmental Law
Publication Date: May 2012
Pages: 2
Topics: Bill-38, 2012 Federal Budget,
Author: West Coast Environmental Law, Sierra Club of BC, Living Oceans Society
Publication Date: March 2012
Pages: 10
Topics: Enbridge Pipelines and Tankers Project, Northern Gateway Pipelines Project, Joint Review Panel
Author: Jessica Clogg, Rachel Forbes
Publication Date: March 2012
Pages: 1
Topics: environmental assessment, federal environmental laws