Environmental Law Alert Blog

Through our Environmental Law Alert blog, West Coast keeps you up to date on the latest developments and issues in environmental law. This includes:

  • proposed changes to the law that will weaken, or strengthen, environmental protection;
  • stories and situations where existing environmental laws are failing to protect the environment; and
  • emerging legal strategies that could be used to protect our environment.

If you have an environmental story that we should hear about, please e-mail Andrew Gage. We welcome your comments on any of the posts to this blog – but please keep in mind our policies on comments.

2020 Canadian Law Blog Awards Winner

West Coast was interested to read in the Globe and Mail last week that Statistics Canada has been forced, in order to meet its

Today – October 15th - is Blog Action Day 2010.  Bloggers around the

On October 8th I appeared on a panel in Portland, Oregon to discuss BC's renewable electricity future. The event was hosted by the Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee, an organization of private and public electricity utilities in the U.S.

We will soon see whether the federal government's officials are really listening to people in BC in their review of the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines and tankers project.

In our recent blog post suggesting that the Oil and Gas Commission (OGC) is not properly regulating water use by oil and gas companies in the North East of the province, we didn't directly point out that the

Stories sampled over the past week include:

Last week’s events should have sounded some alarm bells for people wondering how the BC government regulates the oil and gas industry in Northeastern BC. 

Last week the McLeod Lake Indian Band walked away from BC Hydro’s consultations over the controversial Site C Dam, returning the $100,000 funding that they

According to Barbara Yaffe’s most recent column in the Vancouver Sun, “Knocking oilsands bolsters Northern Gateway”, the actions of environmental groups, in exposing the environmental impacts of the Alberta tar sands, a

The BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the Enbridge Pipeline spill into the Kalamazoo River in Michigan have both brought international attention to the dangers of transporting oil over long distances.  Here in BC that’s meant increased scrutiny of Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline and the possibility of oil tankers travelling the province’s